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  Marie from France is a stage IV ovarian cancer patient who has been battling the disease for 19 years. For the first 15 years, she led an almost normal life until new tumor cells were discovered in 2019. Marie began undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, but the results were unsatisfactory. European doctors advised that aside from chemotherapy, there were no other options.

  At this time, Marie got in touch with Fuda Cancer Hospital through a friend. After consulting with Prof. Niu, she received a treatment plan different from chemotherapy, which convinced her to come to China.

  Upon her arrival in China, Marie's condition worsened. Swelling in her abdomen and legs brought her to the brink of multi-organ failure. After being admitted urgently, Fuda’s specialists evaluated her condition and decided to proceed with cryoablation. After the treatment, Marie confessed that Fuda had pulled her back from the edge of death.

  Marie is grateful to Fuda, and we are thankful for her trust in us. It is precisely this trust between doctors and patients that creates one life-saving miracle after another!



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