A World-leading Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
The majority of the patients suffering from pancreatic cancer present in the late stage of their disease and therefore have poor prognosis. Pancreatic Cancer metastasis usually occurs at early stage, any treatment would be regarded as palliative at this stage. In addition, less than 10% of pancreatic tumor can be surgically removed, and most pancreatic tumors are not responding to chemotherapy. Led by Dr Niu Lizhi who is Chief Specialist in International Cryosurgery Centre, medical teams in FUDA Cancer Hospital have so far treated 265 patients with pancreatic cancer, most of whom have stage III or stage IV of pancreatic cancers by using CT-Guided percutaneous cryosurgery in combination of Iodine 125 seed plantation and immunotherapy. Some patients have survived for more than 6 years after being treated in FUDA.